
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ice cream Truck!

Ok so call me weird but I am a supper big fan of things that remind me of being little and things that would remind older people of being a kid again. My neighbor hood growing up never had an Ice cream truck that drove around but I had lots of friends whos neighbor hood did and it was an exciting thing that ice cream man coming around the conner. The Ice cream Man idea has been around for what seems like forever! Right? This all being said our neighborhood has an Ice cream Man and My dad gets just as excited as the kids when he hears that music coming around the conner..He starts yelling for Jordan. Well for some reason GG is ussally napping at that same time he comes around on the weekends, but not this time she was awake and it was warm and she was excited to get to go out and get ice cream with her Brother and PaPa. So here are some pictures of GG's 1st Ice cream truck experance!

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