
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Guinnes Cake or as I call them Beer Batter CupCakes

I never was a hudge Choc. Cake Fan  but a couple years ago my Husband wanted Something fun for St Pattys day.. So I found these and I thought I would try them and they became a favorite of the people in my family... My Dad took some to work and  a lady offered to pay me to make them for her daughters birthday... I did not have the time but I did tell her how I make these... so I just made them again about a week ago for my Little GG's 2nd birthday so since my cook book was still were I could get to it I thought I would share the how to...

Happy Baking....

Heres what you need.....

1 Cup Guiness Beer
A 1/2  cup plus 2 tablespoons of butter
A 1/2 cup Coccoa
2 Cups Sugar
3/4 a cup of Sour Cream
2 eggs
1 tablespoon Vinilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour
2 and a half teaspoons baking soada

Place the oven at 350 degrees

Back for 25 mins.

Here is a picture of the ones I made for Gianna Gabreilla's 2nd Birthday....

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Tiny Miracle Baby!

Here's what we then called "The Peanut" See Anything? Ya we didn't see it either.....

So Time went on and so did our daily lives... But all this time we were still wondering.. Is Jordan having a baby Brother or Baby sisters....???
And then It was Feb 2009.... and it was time to find out  and the dr said.
IT's a girl... But you alread knew
But then they sent everyone but Matt and I out of the room.. And it was time to be serious! (never a good thing when your at the dr) I was dilated to 2cm... & I needed to be on bed rest well lite bed rest I could still drive and take Jordan to and from preschool ... and they said I needed surgery they had to put a band around my cervixs to hold this Baby Girl inside. So we can say this day was bitter sweet! Right?

So surgery came and Surgery went and the Dr said I was really at 4cm....
So it was full bed rest for this Momma only being able to go to drs apts and if I needed to do anything else it had to be in a wheel chair! Hello its Feb and Im not due untill June and I have a 3 year old can we same LAME?
So March and April came and went...Yes I am still in bed.... Then came may and I got to go out for Mothers day... YAY!!! But then it was back to bed... Untill the early Morning of May 22n'd when my water Broke on our wonderful dog... God Rest his soul....
Off to the hosptial we went... Wow I think that was around 2am... & at 7:38am My Tiny Miracle Baby was her. Thats Right Gianna Gabriella was born and the Angels danced...

6lbs 8oz and 18inches long!
And then the nurse said they had to take her away she wasn't breathing well....
What seemed like forever went by....
and then it was 8:30pm

and we finaly held our beautiful baby daughter!
So we visted her while she sunbathed!

and then 4 days later.... They said shes all better she can breath and eat on her own...
and she can go home...
now only 5lbs!
and then my Two Beautiful children finaly met face to face.....

and we took newborn photo's

Told Ya she's an angel...

And my Family is so complet.. and my worries should be over...(but we all know mommys always worry)

And then Alot of awsome things happened....
Like she sat up for the 1st time ever in Nov.. 2009

and she started walking... how awsome is that?

and then this Angel...She deside to go ahead and have a 1st Birthday...

And she still was our little Angel Sent to us from God watched over by her Birthday Twin and Uncle Gabriel..

This little girl just kept on growing over the next year and Now shes two...
Still as beautiful as ever

Still a fighter....
(I mean really a Fighter, she beats people

and giving Mommy a run for her money... Keeping me so very bussy... and I would not change it for the world...My life changed for the Better on May 22, 2009 and My very complet life just keeps on getting better everyday I spend with this little girl and her Brother...

I will never stop Thanking God for my Miracle Baby...

It's the little things that make life worth living,
It's the little things that help us make it through.
I never knew how true those words were,
Until I first set my eyes on you.
I feared because it was too early;
I cried because it was too soon.
Yet I underestimated
The strength in one as small as you.

You were born a fighter, a warrior;
You would not quit nor move on.
You strove, you fought, you tried,
Until your battle was won.

When hope might have faded,
When the trial seemed too great,
A tiny child, despite the odds,
Fought what was thought fate.

And a little baby triumphed,
A baby thought too small to live,
A baby knew that life
Is the most precious thing to give.
--Ashley Rae Barnes

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Donald Weiting Photography!

So Matt and I have been very lucky over the last two years to have some amazing photos of not only us but our children as well. Not only are these photos amazing but the Photographer and his wife  has become people  we call a friends. So a couple weeks ago we went out for some photos as it is nearing GG's 2nd Birthday it was about that time. We got some Great photo's of both kids and the whole family!!! & Got to chat with Donald and his wife Laura at the same time!!!

And then it was some of just GG in her Birthday outfit! minne mouse of course

You can check out all of donalds other work  and his price list on his web page

I know you Will injoy it as much as we do!!

Two Little Gardeners and A New Palm Tree!

So we had a Palm tree in the back yard that has just not grown and was deffently dying if not dead already. So My Dad asked Matt if he minded digging it out so they could plant a new one. The kids wre all over this! The were so happy to get muddy, well Jordan was anyways GG was trying to stay as clean as she could being a bit of a priss! The kids had a lot of fun and we now have a New Palm Tree! Yay!

My cuties helping out!

The end of Tball!

Tball is over! YAY! We had alot of fun. I made cookies for our last game. But I forgot my camera for the game and I fogot my camera for the chuck e cheese end of Tball party. But I do have some pictures of alll the games since the 1st game I am going to add to this post and a picture of my Red Sox cookies. We are very excited that we made it through Tball with very little crying! Woo-hoo! & have desided that next year Jordan will move up to farm and play what he calls "real baseball" lol... This summer we are going to try and get some swim leasons in for Jordan and Maybe GG to we will see about her though. We are also thinking of trying out some Summer Basketball! Witch all of this Jordan is very excited about! Tball was a learning experice for not only Jordan but My Parents and Matt and I and I guess GG to lol. We are so excited (well I am anyway) to be starting all these fun activites with Jordan!!! I can't believe how much he is growing!! Anyways hope you injoy our Tball photos!

Red Soxs Cookies

The Goffer from every game!

Some game pictures of Jordan!

Auntie Again!

My sister Ashley had a very handsome little Man on May 4th. He is so adorable. I have only gotten to see him once as myself and everyone in the house have had a really bad cough since he was born. I can't wait for everyone to be better so we can spend some time with him! I just love babies and its even better when you are not the one waking up at 3am to feed you just get to injoy the little one for a bit and hand him back to Momma! I could hold him for hours. He is so Tiny witch reminds me of GG and how little she was when she came home from the Nicu! This little Man is 100% healthy and like I said just so cute!!!

Here's Auntie Alex and Owen...
And Aunt A and Baby Owen...

Beach Trip & dinasour caves with NaNa!

Now for some Beach photo's!

And then it was on to dinosour caves park... because GG hates the

We love days with NaNa & Aunt A too!