
Monday, November 21, 2011

Pumkin Patch /Brooke's Kids Halloween Party & Fall Fest at Pacifiic Christian

So No Fall would be complete without a Trip to the Avila barn and usually by Halloween Matt and I will have taken the kids at least a couple times and or on a field trip through school to. This year we seemed to be so busy I have no clue doing what lol. Matt worked alot of weekends reffing basketball I guess and before we knew it, it was the day before Halloween and we still had not gone to the pumpkin patch. Well Matt was working and I decided to ask my sister to come along and take the kids to the Avila barn with me for a quick trip hay maze ,hay ride and some of the best corn on the cob you will ever eat. It was a quick trip because we had a Halloween party at my friend Brook's that afternoon and the  a fall fest at church that evening.

After The pumkin patch we headed home to get ready for My friend Brook's kids Halloween party. This is something she has every year and she is so good at it. So creative and we just enjoy being invited so much. She does crafts games and has a ton of food sweets and candy. 

and the last but not least we came home again had a quick dinner  and changed one more time for the Fall Festival at Pacific Christian Church , Jordan also goes to school at the school there.  It was alot of Fun Matt was still working and so was my good friend Charlee's husband so we met up with her and her boys for some Fall fun. The kids love Brock and Cade and were so excited that we would be going there to meet them. There was a Maze, Games, Hay Ride,Cotton Candy and lots of Candy. It was a great ending to a really fun day. 

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