
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Native American Head Piece

Earlier this Month Gianna had her first Thanksgiving Feast (Thanksgiving party) for Preschool. At her Preschool the let the kids dress up as Native American's, Pilgrims, Farmers, Turkey's, Punkins..Well you get the idea..Its Thanksgiving .. So I had found a DIY on how to make a Native American Thanksgiving Headdress... I also got a cute idea on how to do her hair with leather going through it...  So here is what she looked like ...

So I got this adorable Hair Idea from my Favorite Hair blog ever Cute Girls Hairstyles... The girls and I are crazy in love with all the hairstyles on there.. I seriously got hardly braid before I started watching her Videos... So check her out..Here's the link to the hairstylist I used

Alright so on to my cute Head piece ....

Now I got this headpiece idea from Cute girls hair styles but Show me cute is who made the one on CGH and the link to her DIY is here

Time Flys

Wow it has been a long time since I posted on here. Alot has changed in our lives since July. Lorelei's summer vacation ended with us in mid Aug and she went back to her Mom in Michigan to start 3rd grade. But she was just back for Thanksgiving Vacation and we will see her again come June. Jordan started 2nd grade in Aug and He loves his teacher as do Matt and I. Gianna started Pre-School at PCS and is fallowing in her big brothers foot steps. She is so dramatic I guess thats a girl thing. We have moved and getting settled is still kinda of taking place. Here are some updated photos of the kids ....