
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Princess Gianna turns three

The last three years have just flown by...On Saturday Gianna and I headed out with our Friend Donald who takes photos.. and we got some great Birthday Photos that I am so excited to share with you. When I look at the photos I am over taken with Joy, and Happiness at what wonderful things my beautiful baby girl has brought into my life. She is Wild and Crazy and a down right brat and she drives me up the wall daily... But I would not trade a day of it for the world... She came into this world fighting and she has yet to stop... She is a "Mean Girl"... and I do not say this lightly.... If I hear crying on the play ground at Jordan's Baseball games I am never scared  that she is hurt but rather who she hurt and what she did to them... She is tough and she stands up for her self and yet she is only just Three years old .. Today actually... She talks so much and she is so smart... She loves Gymnastics and she is so dramatic ..

What an adventure the past few months have been. March, April and now May is almost over. In March we kicked off Baseball Season and that has been taking up so much of our time.. I took on the roll of the Team Mom this year and that was more work then I thought but very very fun. Jordan's Baseball skills have totally improved since day 1 and keep on getting better. We only have a few weeks left but we are making the most of it and will enjoy ever last game until June comes around.

At the End of March My Mom and I started a diet and Monday was my 8 week weigh in and it felt good to see that I am now down 27lbs and about 2 pant sizes. I put on a lot of weight during and after Gianna and it was time for that to go I am still working hard as I have another 30lbs I would like to lose.

In April I planed the Easter Party for Jordan's 1st grade class and Co-planed the Easter Egg hunt for around 50 1st graders at PCS with another Mom.. We filled 100's of eggs and It ended up being a windy day but the kids had so much fun and It was so wonderful to see their Happy Faces... I was even able to rope My Mom into coming to the school with me and hiding the eggs for the kids.. I think she enjoyed it as well. That ended the school week and set us into spring break. We had a nice quite Easter Spring break was ugly weather that kept us home most the week, but it was a nice break from the everyday get up and get out the door.

May is bring in a lot of fun as well. We are preparing for summer and Gianna will be 3 years old in a couple of weeks... Where has the time gone.. She is still going strong in her Mommy and Me gymnastics class and her Coach Katie is trying to get her ready to move up to the Toddler class without Mommy. I am a little sad she is getting so big but we are also getting ready for Preschool, that she will hopefully start in the fall. She already does her Preschool work books and she loves to learn.  Matt and I went and looked at a Preschool but we decided it is best to send her to Pacific Christian with Jordan, who will be starting 2nd grade there in the fall..

As for summer Lorelei will be here for a little over 7 weeks and we are so excited to see her again. I have singed both Jordan and Lorelei up to play summer basketball ,that is about a 6 week season. All three kids will be takings swim lessons and of course Gianna will keep up with her Gymnastics and Jordan will be in the Jr GIants Baseball program in SLO.