
Monday, January 31, 2011

Dad's Early Birthday Dinner..

We had Meatloaf...

And...Scaloped Potato's

And Home made Roasted Garlic Bread

My Pretty Table

Home Made Beer Batter Cake with Home made Choc Butter Cream Frosting, Choc Pudding in the mid!

And Home made Mac & Cheese

We had a really Fun night and I think my Dad really injoyed it...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How fast children Grow.

So ON Jan. 7th my oldest sister welcomed her first baby a boy Mason,My adorably Handsome Nephew. When I went to see him in the hospital the day she had him I was so in love, he is perfect in everyway!! Matt and I went and saw him again on sunday he was then a week and a couple days... and  Matt said he couldn't remeber Gianna ever being that small, WHen in fact she was smaller. She was only 5lb the day we brought her home from the NICU. Seems so weird that she will be two in just a few months...anywas thought I would share some "Baby Pictures"

My New Nephew Mason & I in the Hospital visting him just hours old..

My 1st Born Jordan Arthur Aug 27th, 2005 This was Mins after he was born....

My little Baby Gianna Gabriella May 22nd,2009 Hours after she was born in the NICU

My bABies now 5.5 & 1.5 Where has the time gone?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Warm January Day!!

Wow What a beautiful Saturday we had today it was in the 70's. The kids and I were in Heaven. We started out the day by cleaning up the backyard and all the outside toys... Then when Matt went to work I put Gianna down for a nap and finished up the cleaning...

Here are some pic's of everything waiting for naps to be over...

Finaly after the kids got up it was time for fun.

Playtime ended with Jordan having a much needed rest (as he does not take naps anymore)

While Jordan "Rested" and stayed home with Dad, Gianna went to walmart and when we came back each kid went to different rooms to watch their Movies and eat homemade Mac N Cheese that NaNa made... Its supper yummy if you want to know how ill email you..I would add it to hear but this is already a supper long post...

Gianna watching Toy Story 2 and eating dinner in brothers bed

Jordan watching Surf Ninja's and eating dinner in the TV room

I hope everyone had a wonderful saturday!!

Last Minute Dinner for My Aunts Birthday & Jordans PJay Day at School!

Yesterday I had a lot of planes. Jordan was getting out of school Early it was Pajama day at school(Pictures to come soon, we were going to meet friends at the park and get the Kids Mcdonalds as a treat for lunch... Well it ended up being supper windy so no park then I get a call from the school at 12:20 saying Jordan has no lunch, I was so confused as I was on my way to pick him up they get out at 12:45 and they office lady said no hun they got out at 11:45 he is in daycare! I almost started crying my child has never been in after school care, Why would he? I am at home...I want him with me as much as I can, I actually miss him when he is at school! Well When I got to school Jordan was SO MAD at me, but not for what you would think, He was mad I was picking him up and not just bringing him lunch, he actually was injoying after school care. Well My Mom was watching Gianna while I ran to the school so I stoped at Wendy's and got us all lunch..Jordan was again mad it wasn't the Mickey D's I had promised the day before... and No park because of the wind. So by this point I had talked to my Aunt and her and my Uncle desided to come for dinner since she will be out of town on her birthday. I did not have time to make cupcakes or brownies... but I did have some Choc Chip cookies I had made for our park trip we never made and some Yummy Meatloaf witch has become a house hold Favorite... I desided to share how I make it with all of you...

Meat Loaf with Gravy..

Make sure the oven is on 350F

For the Meat Loaf You willl need..

Canola oil
One Yellow Onion
Dried bread crumbs 1/2 cup
Ketchup 1/2 cup & 3 teaspoons
2 Large Beaten Eggs
2 Table Spoons Worcstershire Sauce
Kosher Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper
1lb Ground Beef (I use Turkey sometimes)
1/2lb Ground Veal
1/2lb Ground Pork

How to Make the Meat loaf..
In a bowl combine onion,bread crumbs,1/2cup katchup,eggs,worcestershire sauce,1teaspoon salt,1/2teaspoon ground pepper,& mix well. Then Add all 3 meats.. mix with your hands untill all is mixed really well..
Transfer to into a meatloaf pan that is gressed with canola oil
Bake on 350F for 45 mins pull out add the 3 tablespoons ketchup on top and cook for 15 mins longer

Making the Gravy...

What you need....
Unsalted Butter 1 table spoon
All Purpose Flower 2 table spoons
Beef Stock or broth 2 cups

First take 2 tablespoons of fat from the roasting pan add in 1 table spoon of butter heating untill butter melts whisk in flower and let bubble for a minute or 2 Slowly wisk in the beef broth stir untill gravy thickens... I have noticed it doesn't thicken much sometimes I add more flower it all depends on what kind of gravy you like.

Happy cooking...

and now for Pictures of Jordan on Pjay his new Pjays(Daddy took him to get just for the day)

Little Sister had to get in the pictures too..Gianna is the Diva and must be in the spot light at all times..

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why buy toys?

So awhile back my parents got some new pots and pans and as they were cleaning out the old ones the kids started playing with them, fight over them but having a blast while doing it.. Its a wonder we all go out and buy these expensive toys most the time kids just want a pot or pan or bowl and spoon or the box the toy came silly...Anywas here are a few pictures of them having a blast with old pots and pans!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Injoying cooking!

Before October I never really cooked. I mean every great once in awhile I made things but I wasn't a very good cook! I was a baker and even at that I didn't really bake, and what I mean by this is now I cook and bake from scratch! I am loving every seconded of it!! So I may everyonce in awhile start sharing what we have for dinner! Tonight we had ,Ham,Bean & Escarole Soup, with Double-Garlic Potato Bread!(I have a Bread Machine & I love it) We have bread almost everynight (i know not good for that deit) Anyways heres how you make the soup...

Ham, Bean & Escarole Soup..

What you need...
Olive Oil, 2-3 Tablespoons
Ham. 1/2lb thickly sliced and cut into cubes ( i used leftovers from last nights ham)
Yellow onion, 1 Finely Chopped
Garlic, 4cloves minced
Chicken broth, 7cups
Escarole(Batavian endive), 1 head, cored,leaves torn into pieces
White Beans, Cannellini or Great Northern 2 cans
Fresh Rosemary 2 table spoons mminced
Red Pepper Flakes 1/4 teaspoon

Step 1
In large saucepan over medium-high heat, warm 2 tablespoons olive oil,add the ham and Saute until golden and crisp,about 3 mins.Using a slotted spoon,transfer to a plate and set aside. Reduce the heat to medium and add more olive oil if necessary, Add the oion and saute untill softened around 4 mins ,add garlic and saute 2 mins

Step 2
Add the broth to the pan and bring to a boil,add the escarole and cook untill wilted add the beans and rosemary and red pepper flakes ,bring back to a boil

Step 3
Add the ham back in stirring occasionally untill heated through. With the back of a wodden spoon smash some beans slightly to thicken the soup

New Year New Blog!

It is a new year and I am going to do alot of things LOL Just like everyone else I have a long list of things Id like to change or do more of!!! I am first trying to lose weight and I also want to blog more... Id like to keep a cleaner house...and Ive already started cooking and baking more!!(witch might not help with weight loss)LOL But anyways I am going to try this once more time and hopefully I get the hang of it and can get my blog up and running!!