
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Its Been awhile....

I have not done a post in about 6 or more weeks..To be honest I actually forgot that I created this Family blog... The kids are growing fast.. Gianna is almost 7 months old now and she is changing so much!! I am injoying ever min of it!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


So Yesterday was also Halloween. Jordan had a day filled of fun hanging out with Cousin RJ all day and then going Trick or Treating! Jordan was RObin from Batman and Robin and Gianna was a Flower Fairy Princess and Cousin RJ was GIJoe They all looked so cute...And Had a fun time together.

Aunt and Uncles 25th @ River Bench Winery

So My (Alex) Aunt Elaine and Uncle Ray have been married for 25 years now and yesterday they had a party to celabrate. It was held at River Bench Winary and they had good food and Wine and a live band... Took a few pictures so enjoy...

(Thats the Winary's web page)

Now for the pictures of the party!

Friday, October 30, 2009

More Photo Shoot

There are some more Pictures from our Friday Fun Photo Shoot day!

Supper Fun Friday Photo Shoot with the kids day...

So today I was kind of bored and desided I was going to dress the kids up and take their pictures... With quite a few changes in clothes the kids kept smiling and had alot of fun, and so did I. So Just would like to shae some of our fun with you.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

So We Started or Blog. Here it is our Family Adventures Not much to post yet. As soon as we do something Fun I will start really bloging..ha...Anyways enjoy as we post!